These prepared chickpeas and green beans is a solid veggie lover formula that is ideal for a brisk weeknight supper. Not exclusively is this dish very simple to make, yet it likewise takes a short ways from beginning to end. Sans gluten and sans oil.
As I'm composing this, my second term of my first year at college is practically finished. It was unquestionably a hurricane of good and bad times, yet generally I appreciated it and took in a ton about history, yet additionally myself. I'm energized for these special seasons since I'll see my father and the remainder of my family without precedent for right around two years. Likewise, spring is my preferred season and I'll certainly invest however much energy as could reasonably be expected outside over the forthcoming months. Furthermore, do somewhat additionally heating, since that is something I've missed without a doubt.
- 7 oz green beans trimmed
- 2 cloves garlic crushed
- 1 tbsp cornflour or arrowroot powder
- 2 cans chickpeas 480g/17oz/3 cups
- brown rice to serve
For the sweet and sour sauce
- 1/4 cup tamari
- 1 tbsp tomato paste
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1/4 cup rice vinegar
- 1/2 cup water
- Add the garlic to a non-stick frying pan and sauté for around 2 minutes. Then, add the green beans and sauté for around 3 minutes more, until softened.
- Meanwhile, prepare the sauce by stirring together the maple syrup, tamari, rice vinegar, tomato paste and water.
- Add the chickpeas, sauce and cornflour to the saucepan. Cook on a low-medium heat for around 5 minutes, until the sauce had thickened. Serve immediately with brown rice.